
My apartment application was rejected. My credit is fine, so it was probably because of my temporary status at UofL. Suck. Another few weeks sleeping on the couch, living with the Queen of Darkness. I temp at life.



Possibly the flu, possibly bronchitis. Definitely feeling like crap. ————————Now playing: Cake – Opera Singervia FoxyTunes


a pirate looks at 24

Intellectually, I can accept that I’m not almost 30. However, I can feel it looming. Every year seems to go by faster, so logically it’s only a few more weeks before I’m over the hill. That said, here is an incomplete list of things I’d like to accomplish before I turn 30, in no particular […]


I scoff at your winter storm

I was really looking forward to unleashing my winter weather elitism on this town and I’m glad I finally have the chance. =) Midwesterners pride themselves on being able to withstand the shittiest weather and coldest temps. My co-workers at UofL are impressed that I’m pretty nonplussed about the snow, and I don’t bother to […]


Team Desmond

If you watch Lost and didn’t see tonight’s episode, you might want to skip this post. Because Lost tonight was FUCKING AMAZING!!! Honestly, Damon and Carlton could kill off everyone on the island (esp Jack, Kate, and Sawyer) and as long as they keep Des and Penny, I’d be a happy girl. Okay, don’t kill […]



As much as I promised myself that I wouldn’t lose interest in blogging, I kind of lost interest in blogging there for a bit. And considering my desire to renew my passion for writing, it’s not a great sign. I’ve got a nasty cold that Natalie assures me I got from her, and also we […]


please don’t steal my identity

At some point during my energetic errand-running tonight I lost my checkbook. I was nearly certain I’d set it on the counter with the thought of paying bills when I got home from the errands. But when I went to the counter to get it, no dice. Or checkbook. Not in my purse. Not in […]


last week in Madison

The windchill is at -29 right now, and in about 45 minutes I will have to go outside and into my car, and drive to Dean Clinic for my last day working with the WISADDS project. Tomorrow the Episense group is throwing me an awkward office party and then Thursday night I’m going over to […]