a pirate looks at 24

Intellectually, I can accept that I’m not almost 30. However, I can feel it looming. Every year seems to go by faster, so logically it’s only a few more weeks before I’m over the hill. That said, here is an incomplete list of things I’d like to accomplish before I turn 30, in no particular order.

1. write a book (length and publication optional)
2. make a movie (length and distribution optional)
3. visit Turkey, New Zealand, Bali, Alaska, the Great Wall, Easter Island
4. run a mini-marathon
5. take guitar lessons
6. read War & Peace; the Illiad; the Odyssey
7. gamble in Vegas
8. see a show on Broadway
9. see the Cubs at Wrigley
10. live in Scotland for a year
11. do the Coast to Coast walk in England
12. read the complete works of Shakespeare; Austen
13. kiss the Blarney Stone
14. stay at the Drake; Peabody
15. go to the Edinburgh Festival and Tattoo
16. see all the Oscar for Best Picture movies
17. be an extra
18. take the Trans-Siberia express from St. Petersburg to Beijing
19. ride Millennium Force at Cedar Point
20. go to Mardi Gras; Carnival
21. read Modern Library’s 100 Best novels (the board’s list and the readers’ list)