notes from the front

I won’t entirely retract my comments yesterday about the good-hearted nature of Louisvillains, but I’ve discovered that we’re not a patient bunch. We’re into day 2 of powerlessness, and people are starting to get a little squirrely. There are still major stretches of road with no working traffic lights, several business still closed, and big […]



Jim: Does Mose have nightmares?Dwight: Oh, yes… ever since the storm. This morning I put in my contacts by candlelight. Ike blew through Kentucky yesterday—not a drop of the rain we desperately need, but high winds in excess of 70mph—and knocked down hundreds of trees and power lines. This morning on the news, they said […]


I need your help

In 2003, children under the age of 18 accounted for 39% of the homeless population and 42% of those homeless kids were under the age of five. I’m working with a nonprofit organization whose current goal is to deliver 200 care packages to children in Louisville homeless shelters; but, at the rate we’re going at […]


I’m going to Mormon Hell

At first, I only admired the clever irony of the Hot Mormon calendar but lately I’m starting to think those sexy blasphemous heathens were on to something. Elder Freeman and Elder Jones came to my door a few months ago and when I wasn’t staring deep into their eyes, hoping to impart some telepathic anti-cult […]


professionally polite and detached

So if I’m understanding you correctly, you’re having difficulty viewing and editing the widget TPS report? I wish I could help you with that, but unfortunately the TPS report is not one of the reports our department handles and I’m not familiar with widgets. I can hear that you’re frustrated, though, and I’m sorry that […]


and on Tuesday I got bit by a snake

On Friday, I’m hoping to finish the story by saying “but after all those horrible and bizarre things that happened those first few days, my week got a LOT better.” Monday: Just as I’m getting out of bed, seconds after putting on some clothes (I should note that I sleep naked—it’s not a sexy thing, […]


things my cat does

My coworker Laura was profoundly spot-on when she observed, “most cats do the same things.” Lady’s got a point. Despite much evidence to the contrary (more than one cat, late-night runs to the grocery store for exclusively cat-related products, videos/pictures of cats on blog), I’m really trying very hard not to be the cat lady. […]


when September ends

It’s a really strange feeling to see school starting all around me and not be involved in any way. We don’t even get busier at work around this time of year—things are exactly the same. It wasn’t that long ago that the calendar year was all but irrelevant, and instead the academic year was how […]
