why I love Rania

Because when she came over for dinner last night (gazpacho), she brought not only a bottle of clear nail polish, which I’d asked for, but also a bottle of wine, which I did not. And because when we were done with the bottle, and So You Think You Can Dance was over, she drove us to Dairy Queen and our conversation alternated seamlessly back and forth between the shoulder thing Twitch does and the continuing conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians.

There’s only a short window of time after Christy gets back from NYC before they both start school again (Rania in law school, Christy in med school. nerds.) and will be too busy to have fun. It’s going to be rough, but I consider it my personal mission to ensure they include enough fun in their lives, and failing that, that I have enough fun on my own for all three of us.