
Honestly, I can barely form words right now because I’m still reeling with hotness aftershocks. I just got back from the soft opening of The Icon on State Street. A-mazing. It’s a restaurant and tapas bar and the drinks were good and the food was really really good and the waiter—Justin—was without a doubt the […]


sit down

I saw Gypsy at the Overture Center last night and really didn’t like it much. It was only partly the fault of the actors. It was the last performance of the weekend, the house was only half full, and the low energy was palpable. But a lot of it is just that I don’t really […]



Last night Chelsea and I went to Eno Vino, split a bottle of wine, and spent WAY too much money on food. To be fair, the waitress warned us about the teeny tiny portion sizes, but she made it seem like a good thing (“tapas,” “order a few and share,” etc.) and we weren’t entirely […]


money makes the world go around

August has been an expensive month for me. I moved into my new apartment in Madison, bought all this new furniture (including my very first queen sized bed), and had to make another payment towards my student loans, which I’m only just beginning to pay off. And I know that I’m not the first 23 […]