probably all that tuna porn

I’m too strung out on berry pie to form coherent sentences or topics, so it’s going to be a random assortment of observations this evening.

Observation 1: I am an internet ROCKSTAR. I got a funky virusy thing on my computer that was messing with my web browser, and despite the fact that my usual virus/spyware scanners were of no help, using sheer brain-brawn I was able to find and remove that fucker. FIND AND REMOVE!

Observation 2: I was just one number short of being a juror on a homicide trial today. I was dead disappointed. No pun intended.

Observation 3: I’ve never had the cleanest vocabulary, but reading Trainspotting has brought a fresh new flavor to my blue streak. Ye daft slags. =) It’s like cussing in pirate.