a start

Homer Collyer took care of the funeral arrangements. It was not entirely unexpected, when Mother passed, and her funeral arrangements seemed like a simple and manageable task compared to the inheritance. Homer knew that he and his brother Langley would still be dealing with all they’d inherited long after they’d dealt with the grief surrounding […]


texas tea

So much is happening at once. Just today John with an H asked if my address was the same and just today I discovered some patches of nasty mold and a sizable drip coming from my upstairs neighbors’ washing machine. It’s spread to both sides of the wall and one patch in particular looks like […]



It’s unexpected, but I fall in ephemeral love with you all the time. I sit at my computer, imagining my music is coming from your local radio station, and all of a sudden, I’m so in love with you. Or, more precisely, in love with you and your city. I love to picture you set […]


don’t get too attached

Don’t tell my landlord, but I’ve got quite a menagerie in the apartment. Two cats and a handful of reptiles on indefinite loan from Sarah. There are two ball pythons—a male and female named Kyle and Beatrix respectively—and a leopard gecko named Trace. The gecko eats crickets, which other than the smell, is a diet […]