
Freshman year, there was a girl who lived down the hall from me, who—for whatever reason—was explaining how to prepare and eat fried crickets. “The best way to kill them,” she said, “is to put them in the freezer.” I chuckled and asked if you could hear them screaming, the way lobsters cry out when […]



On Friday the Alaska Legislative Council released a report indicating Sarah Palin did, indeed, abuse her powers as Governor of Alaska. Luckily, it was an abuse of power within the legal bounds of her position and she was only “charged” with a violation of an Alaska state ethics clause—specifically, Alaska statute 39.52.110 (a). With that […]


congratulations on your loss. have a great summer.

I’m not a completely cold and heartless bitch, but I hate those group-signed office cards, especially the ones expressing “sympathy.” Are people really comforted after the death of a family member when they get a tacky card signed by co-workers they don’t even know? I understand the sentiment, but the actualization just feels so canned […]


Georgetown College loves Ben Folds

Saturday was pretty amazing. We had our last event for the NNL initiative and ended up raising over $1000—no thanks to me. I stuck around just long enough to sell some raffle tickets—wiles were heavily employed—and then bailed early to get ready for the concert. I was a little late meeting Josh at the Old […]



I sort of half mangled/broke my finger on Wednesday and haven’t been much in the typing mood. Also we had this two-day-long outdoor department picnic thing which took up most of the work days and thus most of my blogging time. All in all, not a big week for posting. The debate last night was […]