texas tea

So much is happening at once. Just today John with an H asked if my address was the same and just today I discovered some patches of nasty mold and a sizable drip coming from my upstairs neighbors’ washing machine. It’s spread to both sides of the wall and one patch in particular looks like […]



It’s unexpected, but I fall in ephemeral love with you all the time. I sit at my computer, imagining my music is coming from your local radio station, and all of a sudden, I’m so in love with you. Or, more precisely, in love with you and your city. I love to picture you set […]


don’t get too attached

Don’t tell my landlord, but I’ve got quite a menagerie in the apartment. Two cats and a handful of reptiles on indefinite loan from Sarah. There are two ball pythons—a male and female named Kyle and Beatrix respectively—and a leopard gecko named Trace. The gecko eats crickets, which other than the smell, is a diet […]


misdirected rage

Let’s get one thing straight. I’m not a racing fan. Occasionally, I’ll get caught up in the excitement and hometown pride of the whole affair, but it’s not a “sport” I follow at any other time of the year. And this year, especially—the 135th if you’re counting—I’m just not feeling it. When I was little, […]