august sixteenth

The first person I met whose birthday was August 16th was my best friend from kindergarten, Tessa. Shortly after, my cousin Emily was born on August 16 in 1989. It was easy for me to remember Emily’s birthday because of Tessa, and then when I met Seth—also born on August 16—it was easy to remember his birthday because of Emily. My new boss’s birthday is August 16, and by now the date has taken on a slightly portentous feel. August 16 is tomorrow—today, I guess—and I sent Seth an email wishing him a happy birthday. I don’t know how it’ll be received, considering we haven’t talked in over a year, but I guess we’ll see. In the meantime, tomorrow I’ll be at the state fair with my family—my ENTIRE family—and then I’m driving to Cincinnati to see Theo. He’s in town for a wedding, and Cincy is just close enough to squeeze in a visit. It’ll be a long day, but I’m psyched. Portent and all.