
I would be more embarrassed about how much I’ve loved these books, if I wasn’t so consumingly in love with them. I should be at least a little embarrassed because I’m definitely not the key demographic they’re written for. The Twilight series are young adult books written about high schoolers, vampires, and werewolves. Yikes. I’m in company with 13 year old girls who wear too much eyeliner. But damn it, they’re SO GOOD. The story is interesting, the narration is amazing, but it’s really the characters that drive the book—the characters are incredibly compelling. These books make me want to write my own. The author has the ability to create characters that you genuinely make room for in your heart. I feel like I’ve formed real bonds with fictional people. =) It’s like those brief encounters you have with strangers that affect you for a long time—they may be short-lived, and completely one-sided, but that doesn’t dilute their potency. You know?

Before this series, very few books have made me cry (I could count them on one hand), but Twilight is now 3 for 3. Again, yikes. When I finished the first book, I literally turned back to the beginning and started it all over again. I would have done the same thing with the second, but the last installment in the series doesn’t come out until August, and I’m trying to make it last. I forced myself to read a couple non-Twilight books before re-reading New Moon. I just finished Eclipse this morning, and I’m going to enforce the same moratorium. The experiences I’ve had with these books are kind of intense, and I’m doing my best to have a life based in reality in addition to one with fictional high school-aged vampires. Sigh.

Now playing: The Swell Season – Astral Weeks (Van Morrison)
via FoxyTunes