last week in Madison

The windchill is at -29 right now, and in about 45 minutes I will have to go outside and into my car, and drive to Dean Clinic for my last day working with the WISADDS project. Tomorrow the Episense group is throwing me an awkward office party and then Thursday night I’m going over to […]


about damn time

I finally officially quit both my jobs! I’m gonna miss a lot of my co-workers, but I’m relieved to be moving on. I still haven’t had to face the scary boss yet, but I met with the second-in-command, and she was very sympathetic and understanding. Dad’s flying in theĀ first weekend of February, and then we’re […]



Not much to report these days, but there might be some excitement on the horizon. I talked to my mom the other day and our conversation kind of reignited the fire under my ass and motivated me to try a little harder to relocate to Louisville. I’ve been checking the UofL website pretty regularly for […]