
The first time it happened, I couldn’t stop laughing. How could anyone be so careless? What a ridiculous and singular mishap. And then it happened again! Even hilarious-er! How unexpected and coincidental! And then it happened again and again and again. I’m referring, of course, to the inexplicably common occurrence of dropping one’s cell phone into the toilet.

Okay. Really, people. I’m not sure how this keeps happening. We all know friends that this has happened to, and some of us may count ourselves amongst those unfortunate few. But I’m really at a loss to understand this phenomenon. Maybe it’s a drunk thing? Maybe you’re so drunk that you drop your phone into the toilet? I’m not sure this is a reasonable excuse, though. For the most part, people manage to keep their keys out of the toilet, no matter the level of inebriation, and I would think the same thing could apply to cell phones.

I might have condemned my phone to a watery grave by writing this post, but it had to be said.