
Not much to report these days, but there might be some excitement on the horizon. I talked to my mom the other day and our conversation kind of reignited the fire under my ass and motivated me to try a little harder to relocate to Louisville. I’ve been checking the UofL website pretty regularly for new job listings, but there hasn’t been anything worth applying to. Now I’m trying to open myself to the possibility of working somewhere other than a research project, and it’s going to require a little more proactive effort on my part. Cold calling. I can’t wait.

Also, I started a new league on fafarazzi today, with just male celebrities. It’s going to be awesome, and if you want to join, let me know and I’ll send you the passcode.

Lastly, I started working on the Kristin and Sari video earlier this week, and it should be ready to post in a few days—depending on how lazy I’m feeling this weekend and what’s on tv.