Thursdays are the days that I keep open for exploring the city, visiting museums, watching tv, or generally just doing whatever I want. Monday – Wednesday I try to get productive stuff done, but Thursday is for fun. With that in mind, I offered to make a big Thanksgiving dinner for Trenton and me on Thursday. […]
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There’s no Thanksgiving in Nederland Zucchini and Chickpea Fritters
Hopefully this is not news to you, but Thanksgiving is an American (and, to a lesser extent and on a different day, Canadian) holiday. The Dutch celebrated the arrival of Sinterklaas a few days ago, and before that, there was St. Martin’s day, which apparently involved children going door to door with homemade lanterns made […]
Read more...Balance and privilege
Another white girl talking about race relations? You’re welcome, internet. Up to this point, I’ve stayed pretty quiet about the recent grand jury decision in Ferguson, MO to decline indicting Darren Wilson for shooting and killing Michael Brown. Mostly because a lot of what I’ve been reading on Facebook and Twitter (and oh god, Reddit, what […]
Read more...Bored Housewife Stuffed Cabbage Rolls
Cooking is a creative outlet for me, and after a week of unemployment I was itching to stretch my muscles a bit. I’ve made two disastrous pots of stuffed grape leaves, but had never tried cabbage rolls. I decided to wing it. Here’s the recipe, a combination of what I did and what I wish […]
Read more...Goodbye Party Black Bean Soup
Trenton and I hosted an open house yesterday. From 10 in the morning until 2am, we had a steady stream of family and friends stopping by and I made some soup. I don’t really have the words right now to tell you what it meant to me to share so many hugs and say goodbye […]
Read more...Hiking the Millennium Trail
I made it through Bernheim’s Millennium Trail today (16 brutal miles) and although I’m not dead, I am totally bushed. No pun intended. This is me chewing on the stick I used to swipe at the hundreds of spider webs that spanned the path. HUNDREDS.
Read more...Cat Poop Coffee
The first thing you need to know about cat poop coffee is that it’s not really cat poop. It’s civet poop. Civets are, according to Wikipedia, “cat-like creatures.” To me they look more like possums. I leave it to you whether this distinction makes the notion of drinking coffee brewed from the beans excreted with their […]
Read more...On faith, part 2
I didn’t grow up with religion in my house, but Trenton did; I really think those different experiences fundamentally shaped our respective attitudes about religion generally and Christianity in particular. Trenton was barely a teenager when he starting questioning what the adults were telling him in church. Up to that point, he and his parents […]
Read more...Mashed Potato Pancakes
(not pictured: the pancake I ate before I remembered to take a photo) If you’re like me, you’re probably wondering how to incorporate mashed potatoes more into your morning routine. Lucky for you, my mom taught me the ultimate solution—potato pancakes! Please note, these are most definitely not latkes. These are the latke’s sexy-trashy, tube-top […]
Read more...Green Beans Almondine
I’m terrible with measurements and usually just cook by sight and feel. Apologies now if these proportions lead to a kitchen disaster. I’m going to get better. Ingredients:A bunch of fresh green beans (see?), about a pound (you could also use frozen french-cut green beans) 2-3 bulbs of shallots 1 TB olive oil 1/4 cup water1/3 […]