Read more...Author: Katie
“The worst part of being in the military was meeting people from all different parts of America.”
Read more...things they do look awful c-c-cold
I’m not afraid of any of the regular things. Spiders, snakes, heights, no problem. I’m not afraid of enclosed spaces, or needles, or thunderstorms; I’m not afraid of flying. I have some irrational paranoid fantasies, but they’re all silly and small, and none of them keep me up at night. What does scare me, what […]
Read more...spoiler alert
Truthfully, I don’t ever remember believing in Santa. I don’t say this to sound cynical and world-weary; them’s the facts. I do remember little seeds of doubt and disappointment: when I lost my first tooth and my dad woke me up replacing it with a dollar, when I spent Easter with my grandparents and they […]
Read more...forgive us our trespasses
My grandparents are Episcopalian and drive an hour out of town every Sunday in order to attend a service that condemns pretty much everyone. Remember that schism a couple years ago, when the Episcopal church was considering separating from the Anglican community in order to allow gay bishops? My grandparents have been hopping churches ever […]
Read more...a silent guardian, a watchful protector
This post began as something completely different, but has been derailed by my badass cat. Yesterday, when I went onto the back porch to get the cat food, a mouse skittered out of the corner, through my legs, and under a small space between the floor and the screen. Milo went ballistic. He refused to […]
Read more...there’s a brand new talk, but it’s not very clear
Yesterday I was sporting a rather fetching, rather large hole in the inner thigh of my pantyhose, up about 4 inches from my knee. I didn’t notice it until I got into the parking garage, and it definitely wasn’t worth the drive home to change. So unintentionally, I rocked the derelicte, sexytrampy look all day […]
Read more...he fell, occasionally, but so did the bear
My favorite book is The World According to Garp, but I don’t usually say that. When people ask me my favorite book, I usually lie. More often, I rattle off several and usually list the authors I like, rather than the books I love. Don’t get me wrong—I almost always remember to include John Irving […]
Read more...passion and ambition. and centaurs.
From what I gather, Dead Man’s Bones started as a fun and gimmicky experiment in self-indulgence for Ryan Gosling and the guy who dated Rachel McAdam’s little sister. What came out is the best album I’ve heard in a really long time; I’ve been transporting the skinny cardboard sleeve in my purse so I can […]
Read more...but fuck me if I post his picture this time
Saturday was a busy day. In the morning, I helped set up the CASA booth at Macy’s. Some lovely volunteers of ours offered to sit at the table and sell coupon books for the Macy’s Shop For A Cause event, but I think it was kind of a wash. We made something like $20 the […]