Augustus is a historical fiction novel written in epistolary form by John Williams, telling the story of Rome's first emperor

off-brand classics – book reviews for the week

Just finished Augustus by John Williams Book club selection this month was an unlikely choice. I’m grateful for the diversion off our typical, contemporary path because I definitely would never have picked up this book otherwise. My knowledge of Roman history is spotty at best (largely informed by Shakespeare), so I didn’t know the story or […]

Greg Hrbek's searing and tense novel about fear, big and small. Not on Fire, But Burning

More books about time travel – is the universe trying to tell me something? Book reviews for the week

Just finished Not on Fire, but Burning by Greg Hrbek This is a powerful and intense book that manages to tackle a lot of Important Topics without becoming overloaded or unfocused. The way that Hrbek initially unsettles you and then manages to stretch the tension out through the book was incredibly skillful. I was in the […]

Half of a Yellow Sun, second novel by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

Getting schooled about the Nigerian-Biafran war and contemplating bubbles in spacetime – what I’ve been reading this week

The monthly posts were getting a little out of control, so I’m switching it up and trying a weekly review of the stuff I’m reading. Just finished Half of a Yellow Sun by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie While not quite as perfect as Americanah, Half of a Yellow Sun is still better than most of the other novels I’ve […]