Mashed Potato Pancakes

(not pictured: the pancake I ate before I remembered to take a photo) If you’re like me, you’re probably wondering how to incorporate mashed potatoes more into your morning routine. Lucky for you, my mom taught me the ultimate solution—potato pancakes! Please note, these are most definitely not latkes. These are the latke’s sexy-trashy, tube-top […]



We got some beautiful carrots with the greens attached in our CSA box this week, along with some beets that I initially mistook for radishes, a zucchini, a cucumber that I initially mistook for another zucchini (it was dark, okay?), some green beans, a big bunch of basil, and an onion.  We also got our […]



Not too long ago I bought Trenton a crepe maker. We’d had a handful of awesome crepe experiences at various restaurants, and he was skeptical that such a delicacy could be made at home. Many years of French class had convinced me otherwise and so I special-ordered one from Bed, Bath, & Beyond (PS. what […]